Animal Diy Easy One Sock No Sew

Aren't these no-sew sock worms adorable!? And they're super easy to make! Seriously, if you have mismatched socks lying around the house, this is such a fun way to use them! You only need a few simple supplies that you can easily find around the house or at the dollar store and in less than 10 minutes you can make a cute little crawling creature.

I can't decide if these little guys are worms or caterpillars? My first thought was worms. But my kids say they're caterpillars. And they have a good point because worms don't have antennae? Whatever you end up calling them, they're super cute and lots of fun to make! I love easy stuffed animal projects!

These no-sew sock worms are so easy that the kids can probably make them by themselves… Or at least with minimal help from an adult. When my kids ask me to make a craft with them, it usually involves me making something while they sit around watching me. So I LOVE when we find crafts that they can actually do themselves!

These no-sew sock worms are SO EASY to make and the kids love them! Or maybe they're sock caterpillars? Either way, this is such a fun kids craft and it's easy enough that the kids can actually make it themselves. It takes less than 10 minutes to make each one using just a few simple supplies from the dollar store. Such a fun way to use those mismatched socks!

This is the second sock animal we've made and they are sooooo much fun! You can check out the sock bunnies we made last month for Easter. They were super cute and the kids still love playing with them.

I've sewn plenty of stuffed animals from scratch, and these are waaaaaaaay easier. And the kids like them just the same. You don't need any special skills for this craft. In fact, I'm pretty confident that no matter what your level of craftiness is, you and your kids can totally make these sock worms!

Check out our video for how to make No-Sew Sock Worms:

How to Make No-Sew Sock Worms

Here's a list of what you'll need. The affiliate links below will take you to products on Amazon that are similar to the supplies we used to make this craft:

  • Socks
  • Elastics
  • Googly Eyes
  • Pipe Cleaner
  • Stuffing – Stuffing from an old pillow works well!

I used girls size 13-4 shoe size crew socks from the dollar store. I'm sure adult sized socks would also work. You just want to make sure the socks are long enough that you can make a good sized worm.

Before you go out and buy stuffing, check around the house for an old and flat pillow that no one uses anymore. Just make a small cut at one end of the pillow and you have easy and completely FREE stuffing! I keep an old pillow in my closet just for crafts. Even if the pillow is flat, you just have to stretch the stuffing a bit and it will fluff up again.

You can use any type of small elastic to hold it all together. I used these tiny hair elastics I got from the dollar store. Rainbow Loom elastics would also work really well. You can even use the thin kitchen sized elastics if that's all you have.

I recommend organizing your stuffing first. Pull out 5 balls of stuffing – the head should be slightly bigger and the tail should be slightly smaller. You'll want the balls to be large enough that you end up filling the whole sock, right to the end.

If you have flattened pillow stuffing, stretch it out first to fluff it up, then roll it into a ball.

Stretch open the end of the sock and work the largest stuffing ball into the sock, all the way to the toe.

Pinch the sock tightly around the ball of stuffing and stretch an elastic over top. My elastics were tiny so I only stretched them over the sock two times. You want to make sure everything is held together snuggly.

Keep adding balls of stuffing into the sock and then stretch elastics over the sock to hold everything in place.

Hopefully you can measure out enough balls of stuffing so that you can go right to the end of the sock.

Add a final elastic over the very end of the sock.

I find it looks best if the worm (caterpillar?) has 5 sections, but it might depend on the length of your sock. Feel free to add more balls of stuffing to fill up the sock right to the end if you need to.

Place a 12 inch long pipe cleaner under the head of the worm as shown in the photo below.

Wrap the pipe cleaner over the elastic then twist it a few times to keep it in place.

Pinch the ends of the pipe cleaner and roll them down to make a spiral shape for the antennae.

Choose some googly eyes and attach them to the front of the worm using a glue gun.

I found it looked best if the eyes are placed right over top of the seam for the toe of the sock.

And your no-sew sock worm is complete! How easy was that?!

These no-sew sock worms are SO EASY to make and the kids love them! Or maybe they're sock caterpillars? Either way, this is such a fun kids craft and it's easy enough that the kids can actually make it themselves. It takes less than 10 minutes to make each one using just a few simple supplies from the dollar store. Such a fun way to use those mismatched socks!

You can make these adorable sock worms from solid coloured socks, or you can try them with stripey socks, or even fun patterned socks!

These no-sew sock worms are SO EASY to make and the kids love them! Or maybe they're sock caterpillars? Either way, this is such a fun kids craft and it's easy enough that the kids can actually make it themselves. It takes less than 10 minutes to make each one using just a few simple supplies from the dollar store. Such a fun way to use those mismatched socks!

They're so fun and the kids love playing with them!

These no-sew sock worms are SO EASY to make and the kids love them! Or maybe they're sock caterpillars? Either way, this is such a fun kids craft and it's easy enough that the kids can actually make it themselves. It takes less than 10 minutes to make each one using just a few simple supplies from the dollar store. Such a fun way to use those mismatched socks!

These no-sew sock worms are SO EASY to make and the kids love them! Or maybe they're sock caterpillars? Either way, this is such a fun kids craft and it's easy enough that the kids can actually make it themselves. It takes less than 10 minutes to make each one using just a few simple supplies from the dollar store. Such a fun way to use those mismatched socks!

If you're looking for more fun sock project ideas check out our tutorial for making sock bunnies. These guys are sooooo cute, with just a hint of attitude!

Or you can check out our tutorial for making an easy feather boa sock puppet. It's easy to make and the kids have a blast putting on puppet shows with it!

Be sure to check out our bookLow-Mess Crafts for Kids for 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |   Books- A- Million  |   Indiebound  |  Indigo  |  Amazon Canada


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